About Judy Satori
Judy Satori is an internationally recognised spiritual teacher, multi-dimensional channel, sound healer, and Ascension way-shower from New Zealand.
Her spiritually guided role during Earth’s Ascension process is to energetically upgrade people so that they can fulfil their own purpose and do what they have come to do on the planet.
Judy verbally transmits energy words, known as light language.
These Divinely designed frequencies of sound and light have an energetic effect on the cells and the DNA template to activate previously dormant human DNA potential.
Judy's work of 25 years is housed in the Judy Satori Ascension Library, and offers over 1,000 audio and video recordings and programs to members to help transform their lives for the better and express their unique soul potential.
Access Judy’s programs with an Ascension Library Membership.
Discover The Library
Judy Satori's
Upcoming Tours & Events
Sunday 22nd September, 2024
A day of Advancement & Upgrades with Judy Satori & Spirit - Dragon Alchemy - The Tuatha De Danann & The Ancient Ones of Eire speak to Activate Your Soul Lineage Memory & Special Soul Gifts.
With Special Guest James Jereb of Stardreaming, Santa Fe
You are invited to join us at Glebe House, Dowth for this magical day with Judy Satori, James Jereb and Spirit. The focus of the day will be to activate your human and soul potential to empower you to live your best life and to activate your soul knowledge and ability. The energy transmitted will be a powerful Ascension catalyst.
Saturday 28th September, 2024
A comprehensive 4-hour in-person event with Judy Satori.
The Story of the deliberate, divinely designed creation of the human species PLUS energy transmissions to heal, balance, regenerate and activate body and mind.
- Discover where you've come from as a soul and where we're going as a human species
- Physical body balance and upgrade
- Beyond healing for physical regeneration
- Expanding consciousness - raising vibrational frequency
- Live your best life
- Soul DNA (past life) activation of potential and abilities
"Ascension is not going up, not going anywhere it's expanding into who we are as an eternal soul.
We are becoming more of our soul aspect and less of our personality self.
We begin to see ourselves through new eyes, and disconnect from the drama of life.
Our lives should be about beauty, love, joy and light.
We deserve to be happy."